Man where does time go. This week flew by and I feel I did alot but not much to show. Highlights included watching a couple matches this weekend on Skype of the Nova Open, some hobby work on my Storm Raven, and played a game. Continue on for the break down to the nitty gritty....
Hobby wise, this week was light. I worked on assembling my storm raven. I did convert one of my heavy flamer immolates to heavy bolters after writing up my new WD sister's list.
Thursday I drove over to Zach's house for a game. Zach is sometimes on The Independent Character podcast when skype is working for them. I took my Sisters of Battle using the old witchhunter rules for the last time. We played 1750 and Zach ran a dakkafex heavy stealer list. I was doing ok till my canoness's decided to both check out on easy rolls and he had the edge from there. I made some mistakes and Zach is a good player. I had a blast and hope to get over there again in a couple weeks.

Last weekend the Nova was happening. I spent Friday watching matches on Skype that the 11th company put up. They did an awesome job and it was entertaining. I really wished I could have been there for it.
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Loved the live feed games by the 11th Company! |
Saturday I was off to my cousin's wedding. Funny thing about it was a few of us watching a Nova match on my phone at the reception! Family events will be alot more fun now that I know a few of my cousins play.
Sunday night I got home and read my email, only to find out I'm still in House of Paincakes Idol contest. That was the good part, the bad part was I needed 2 articles for Monday! I did it but I'm not super happy with my main one. So vote for me if you want to make me stress out on more articles!
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MageCon RTT put on by PSP gamers. |
Last up is MAGEcon this weekend. I'm planning on going over Saturday for their RTT. I have a base to paint for my attack bike and a set of rhino doors to change over one of my razors. Look for a write up and pictures of the con next week.
Need to finish that door tomorrow. |
Base for my attack bike. Need to finish for Saturdays rtt. |
Last but not least, CLICK THOSE ADS! please. I'm thinking of spending it on something to give away. Maybe a model or a book or something. SO CLICKY CLICKY!
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