Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WIP Wednesday; Ebay rules!

It will be a quick one this week. I did not get a ton of hobbying done, but did get some. I'm still in the HoP Idol contest, so that took a little time. I did some assembly on my orks and stormraven. I found some bargains on eBay too.

I managed to get some painting done this week. I finished my Emperor's Champion for my honor guard squad. I also finished what will become my sargent for my vanguard squad. I also changed the base on my Lysander to match the rest of the army.

Chapter Champion aka Emperor's Champion of the Crimson Fists.

Vanguard Sargent without jump pack.

New Lysander base.

I also did some assembly work on a group of 5 ork nobs. This is a side project and I just wanted something different to do one day.

I also began work on my Storm Raven.

Best of all, I found a good deal on sm scouts on eBay. I got 12 for $6. I also got this chaplain for $1 plus shipping!

I almost forgot, I finished the weapon swap on my speeder #2.

This looks to be a tough week with a wedding this weekend and not much hobby time.

Thanks for checking it out, and remember to click the ads on the sides a couple times. Clicks= more models!

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