Monday, June 27, 2011

Bugeater GT 2011 coverage: The trip and first impressions.

Last Friday I headed out to Omaha NE for the first ever Bugeater GT. It was also the first GT held there. The closest previous one being the GW Minneapolis GT or Indianapolis maybe? So I had set a comfortable time of noon to take off, and I had the awesome pleasure of taking this lovely little car the 3+ hours down rural Nebraska roads...

Yip, it has a Hemi!
So I'm in an awesome mood driving down. I know the scenarios, and I know the tournament is going to be in a newer school. I know I should be real close on the painting scoring to getting the 30 points and my army is done to the best of my ability. I felt really good going into this tournament. I'm pretty sure I will not go 6-0 to win overall, but I feel real good at my chance to compete for the sweepstakes win. I hope to go 5-1 or 4-2 to have a chance at it.

First I have to say good job Tim on hotel (The Hilton Garden) choice for the room block. It was an easy drive to and from the event and everything we needed was in between on the same road. Their was cheaper rooms, but I think we got what we paid for.

Big supporter of the Bugeater. They were the ideal FLGS!

One flaw I heard about on Friday was some people did not know the other events that night was being held at the Game Shoppe. I guess their was a bunch of people showing up at the school. I showed up at the Game Shoppe and hung out a while. I got a game of 40k in with my list vs a local who was not in the 40k tournament. I lost barely but most of the time I was talking to everyone around me. I feel I owe my opponent an apology for not really focusing on the game and chatting to so many people next to me. I got alot of nice compliments on my army and that felt pretty good. Lesson learned for the night before, just hang out and enjoy the company. Geeking out was way funner than trying to cram more games in.

First impressions of the tournament was just pure awesome! They have a very nice school and Tim made good use of the space. The workers (Debate team) were very friendly and polite. Ideally I would have liked my games to be in the same hotel I stay at, but this is the one exception that makes it ok. They raised alot of money for their debate team and having it in the school saved a ton of money. I think Tim said they raised over $3000 after concessions were added in.

So my overall first impressions of the weekend were awesome. I had a great drive down, I had a very nice room, and the tournament helpers made me feel very welcome by being polite (lots of "hi, and yes sirs") and by going around during games and getting drinks for people, nice touch Tim.

So far my first impression is at a solid A-. They only loose points for maybe a miscommunication on the Friday night game locations. My overall rating will change through out the tournament as this is just my first impressions.

Next up...Bugeater GT 2011 coverage: Tables, Terrain, and interesting people.

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